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Sharing insight & experience with the research & marketing community at conferences, in articles & interviews.

Drago Djourov
So, some pigs use tools...
So, some pigs use tools (see link below). Why, if they don't need them? “Learned things and cultural things work that way. Maybe, it just...

Drago Djourov
Nike x sacai Takes Running Heritage Down a New Path
Hybrid is the only state we can now exist in: not just a way to deal with change, but to celebrate it. The future's already here and it's...

Drago Djourov
How to Improve Your Net Promoter Score
A great HBR piece on NPS in context: 1. break down activities along value chain (e.g. if you're a hotel: reservation, check in, arrival...

Drago Djourov
I Think Our Food is Fantastic!
Is it time to reconsider the meaning of a brand's 'core competency' and 'brand extension' in the age of the platform economy? AirAsia...

Drago Djourov
'from facebook' with love
It's a shame and a waste. At best, this won’t detract from the instagram brand, but likely it won’t do the facebook brand any favours....

Drago Djourov
How to avoid "peak innovation"?
Focus on the strength of the idea rather than its novelty. And think about the longer-term strategy. Diageo: "...we’re looking at the...

Drago Djourov
Fights, festivals, fear: Sohrab Hura's angst-ridden India
India: "the uneasy dynamic between the new entrepreneurial class who are driving the country’s rapidly growing economy, and a more...

Drago Djourov
Why Chinese Parents Prefer Lego to Barbie
"Chinese parents love to play: 98% say that play is essential for their child’s well-being, even more than Americans and Danes..." They...

Drago Djourov
What Happens After the Spirit Leaves the Glass?
NatGeo celebrating Space Week with some amazing photography: whisky sediment as celestial body...mixed with special effects. "Button’s...

Drago Djourov
Looking to the future to celebrate the past
Walkman's 40yo. Sony's celebrating with an amazing exhibition at the SONY Bldg in Ginza, Tokyo. But isn't looking at the future the best...

Drago Djourov
Are we trending or pretending?
“If Instagram went away tomorrow, our ice-cream truck would still survive. I don’t know that your ‘influencer’ business would.”...

Drago Djourov
No one Likes Your Fries...
'Who decides what you like?' Vienna Tourism Board's new campaign shows how a brand can take back the reins, reframe its proposition and...

Drago Djourov
What Do Tea & Trolleys Have In Common?
3 C`s
1. Collect data
2. Customise Marketing Communication
3. Customer Service
Any commercial entity needs to decide where they draw the li

Drago Djourov
Move Beyond
What do TWA Hotel newly opened at JFK T5 and Cathay Pacific Airways rebrand (tagline Move Beyond) have in common? 3 things: 1. Baggage:...

Drago Djourov
Gamification in the city: Child's play or a major decision?
Our urban environment is becoming more agile and interactive: more a platform than a finished product. Plug and play! Strong...

Drago Djourov
The Long & The Quick
B2B Marketing works best when it follows a long-term strategy, but the operating model must be based on short feedback loops. New survey...

Drago Djourov
Back to Basics
Disruption comes from ideas, not tech. Old marketing elbow grease like consumer motivations, market definition, channel strategy... ...

Drago Djourov
Investing in Brand
Uber's brand issue. AirBnB investment in brand vs Uber's failure to do so... Investing in brand helps you reduce price sensitivity, which...

Drago Djourov
Everything Changes
Everything changes. Even Singapore. The Singapore where no one wants to make babies and prefers to make money in a job prescribed by...

Drago Djourov
Five Tricks of the Senses
We're all synesthetes. Research demonstrates that yoghurt tastes sweeter on a white spoon than it does on a black spoon. Piano music...

Drago Djourov
Experience to Participation: The Challenge for Global Tourism
1,300-year-old Nishiki market in Kyoto is now "a crush of spectators rather than a lively scene of local shoppers." Can tourism help...

Drago Djourov
Presentation: PATA Global Summit, South Korea
The Hybridisation of Everything: Trends From Retail and Hospitality in Asia

Drago Djourov
Brand Values=Brand Value
"The impression among business leaders is that ESG (environmental, social, & governance issues) just hasn’t gone mainstream in the...

Drago Djourov
Stop Talking and Listen for a Minute
"By listening, marketing will re-learn how to talk," to quote the Cluetrain Manifesto. "For many organizations, [multiple-choice online]...

Drago Djourov
Be Bold
“Making fun of yourself and then using that platform to revitalise the brand is a hugely risky move. …it has to be bold and risky to have...

Drago Djourov
Anti-Gorgeous, Anti-Cheap
無印 Muji Hotel now in Ginza (after Shenzhen & Beijing). OK, makes sense to open a branded hotel, if you're in furniture and household...

Drago Djourov
Building A Disruptive Strategy
"Game-changing strategies are born of creative thinking." Harvard Business Review: 4 approaches to building a disruptive strategy....

Drago Djourov
Bye-bye CMO, Hello CGO
Unilever: Bye-bye CMO, hello CGO. But at the end of the day, the CGO would be doing the same thing: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning,...

Drago Djourov
Do Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?
c. 50% of jobs globally would be replaced or 'substantially changed' by automation (OECD, 2018). In addition to the socio-economic...

Drago Djourov
Cracking the Global Market
Baiju brands to seek sloshing on overseas shores as Chinese demand is changing. Food pairing (i.e. taking a leaf out of successful...

Drago Djourov
From (平成, heisei) to Auspicious Harmony (令和, reiwa)
Japan: from Universal Peace (平成, heisei) to Auspicious Harmony (令和, reiwa). But there's more behind the new name of the Japanese imperial...

Drago Djourov
Presentation: ESOMAR APAC Annual Conference Singapore
Global Method, Local Approach: How The Focus Group Can Work in Japan

Drago Djourov
Interview: Today's Manager, publication of Singapore Institute of Management
Soliciting Diverse Perspectives "When it comes to inducing a sense of brand ownership within employees and vendors, it is important to...

Drago Djourov
DD sponsors the Travel Marketing Summit, Khao Lak, Thailand
Drago Djourov commented, "More people are traveling than ever before in history. What’s more, social media has enabled people to bring...

Drago Djourov
Stop Obsessing About Experiences; Start Enabling Participation
"The problem with obsessing over the experience is that you end up mistaking the means for the end [...] Purpose, value, safety,...

Drago Djourov
The Streaming Race Finally On
The Walt Disney Company's got 21st Century Fox for USD71 billion, and the streaming race is heating up… Netflix is in pole position. Hulu...

Drago Djourov
Do Good To Do Well
Valuation of brands with a high sense of purpose has increased 175% between 2006 and 2017, vs. 70% and 86% for brands with lower and...

Drago Djourov
Tokyo 2020: AI vs EQ
Brand Japan could do with a little more human & little less robot... "Japan Inc. hopes to use the Tokyo 2020 Olympics to show the world...

Drago Djourov
Best for Bleisure?
In the Age of the Hybrid, it’s never been more tempting to mix business with pleasure. 60% of all business trips turn into bleisure...

Drago Djourov
A Show of Force
Netflix's Gambit: "Netflix canceled Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and The Punisher because it could. In 2019, Netflix is...

Drago Djourov
Digital Subscription
Digital subscription revenue at The New York Times now higher than digital advertising. The Economist, too has done an amazing job of...

Drago Djourov
Presentation: QUAL360 APAC
Zen & The Art Of Qual Research: Recent Research Trends in China, Japan and Korea
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